Idea blooming

Ideas are like flowers; when given the right environment, nurture and nourishment… they will bloom into beautiful things. Deny them light, and they’ll fade. Fail to water or feed them and they’ll die.

If it weren’t for ideas, we would still be living in caves. If not for ideas, businesses, like yours, would cease to exist.

If this is true, why then do businesses often suppress their employee’s ideas?

Businesses are filled with brilliant people. However, these brilliant people, do not begin and end with the ones who run the business. But also, the ones who answer the phones, crunch the numbers, and replace the light bulbs. There are hundreds of bright ideas brewing in the minds of employees in this exact moment.

What does your business do to help nurture their ideas and help grow them into valuable innovations?

Do you install a pecking order so someone else is able to take credit for the idea? Do you shun or diminish those who go against the grain and speak up for a change that could help the company?

When was the last time you met with a member of your team and simply listened to their ideas?

We have become accustomed to seeing the brilliant ideas of others as threats to our own… something to be feared and condemned, instead of combining them and growing to create a great innovation.

In an environment of insult, disrespect, or closed-mindedness, ideas cannot bloom. However, if team members are respectful, encouraging, and open-minded, ideas will inevitably be abundant.

We inherently think of ourselves first. If you are able to persuade others to buy into your ideas, they’ll help you in its growing process and a beautiful idea will bloom.