Fear of Success

The most basic definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Success is a positive, however sometimes people are held back by the fear of what will happen, if they do achieve. That is why some make mistakes when they are close to accomplishing a goal- they fear the success their actions may bring.

This fear is often based on preconceptions; for example: successful people are self-centered and ruthless. they believe that if they do well, people will expect more of them, and they will be forced to work even harder.

When you are stuck, ask yourself what you stand to gain by not succeeding. More free time? Less responsibility? Identify the assumptions that underlie your thinking- are they valid?

Alternatively, it could be based on the fear of what will come next… if I achieve my life goal of owning a successful business, what comes next? What will I have to aim towards?

The nature of life means that even after you succeed, and achieve your goals, another will emerge. Naturally, as we move through life our goals and ideas of success change- something which you view as a goal now, may be meaningless to you in years to come.

Fear of success will only hold you back, let go, and see what you are capable of…