There has been an awful lot of change over the past couple of years, and we’ve all gotten good at adapting to it. But, do you know how to initiate change and make it happen for yourself and your business?


Often, we know something isn’t right, but we slip back into our ‘normal’ habits and ways of doing things. It is very easy to slip back into your comfort zone. It’s called a comfort zone for a reason… you are happy to be there!


There is a formula for change…


(D x V) + F > R


/10 x /10 + /10 > 70


  • D = Dissatisfaction
  • V = Vision
  • F = First steps
  • R = Resistance to change


It looks complicated but is very straightforward. Everybody has been through this formula one way or another, perhaps without even realising!


The numbers on the left-hand side must be greater than 70 (R) in order for change to happen.


People who change are sick and tired, of being sick and tired.


The world is changing again. Businesses are getting back to ‘normal’ (whatever that is!). You must be aware of sticking in your comfort zone, and break out of it!


If you would like help initiating change within your business, book a complimentary strategy review HERE