Do you know that you need to make steps forward and progress – that you’re in a stagnant position right now? What’s holding you back?


A lot of us have a lot of self-talk, which is natural human behaviour. We make assumptions about the future, which hold us back from doing things outside of these assumptions.


It manifests itself when you say things like ‘I can’t do that’…


‘Successful’ people turn this around and say, I’m more scared of staying where I am! The fear of remaining stagnant outweighs the fear of failure and self-doubt, involved in pushing forward.


A famous Mark Twain quote – “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which have never happen


This is so true. Nothing is ever as bad as we think it’s going to be. You always expect the worst.


This is perfectly represented in this acronym:







We hear so often, ‘that won’t work in my industry’… however, there is a chassis that goes into every business – a framework, backbone if you like.


We call those barriers you build up ‘limiting beliefs’ or ‘blind spots’.


Ask yourself, what assumptions am I making that are holding me back?


Then ask yourself, where is the evidence or data to prove this assumption?


Recognise these limiting beliefs and do something. “The biggest risk you can take is to do nothing” – Brad Sugars


Would you like to discuss the first steps in overcoming your limiting beliefs? Book a complimentary strategy review with coaches Mark Dilks and Gareth Hughes here.