The Art of Delegation

In the busy world we’re living in, one of the best ways to get more time for top-priority projects, is by delegating some of the lower-priority work to somebody else.

However, many people are reluctant or afraid to delegate their work. This is for reasons such as;

  • nobody can do the work as well as they can
  • if they delegate the work, there’s no guarantee that it’ll get done properly
  • they haven’t got time to teach someone else how to do it

Delegation between co-workers is often done to help each other out, it’s called teamwork! In a well-run, successful organisation, everyone works together as a team. Here are some tips about how to approach the business of delegating that will save your time and get you the help you need:

  • ask for help, don’t demand it
  • make sure the person has a clear picture of the purpose of any delegated work and knows what kind of results you expect
  • take the time to talk it through, explaining specifically what you’re looking for
  • take the time to teach the person how to do it the correct way
  • set a realistic deadline that’s agreeable and workable for both of you
  • don’t assume a person will be able to complete a task without any additional help or assistance from you
  • when the project has been completed, give lots of praise and credit for a job well done

Delegating a job to someone else doesn’t mean you can forget about it. Keep up to date with your co-worker and check-in along the way; this is helpful in solving any problems and allows you to check the job is being done right!

If you’re delegating a task which is part of a larger project, it is even more important that the work is completed on time; otherwise, the whole project may be delayed.

Delegating is a confidence builder. With practice, you’ll gain confidence in your own ability to delegate and in your colleague’s ability to complete the work.

Your colleagues will become surer of their ability to handle the job, and you will both feel the satisfaction of making an important contribution to your team – and to the success of the company.

The ability to delegate is a benefit to the whole team. You’ll save time, which you can spend on other important projects, and your colleagues and superiors will recognise that you’re an effective manager of your time and an excellent team player!