Fear of failure

Fear of Failure is the belief that if you don’t succeed, disaster will result. You think catastrophically- expecting the worst.

For example; if I take this risk in my business… it will go wrong and I will lose my house and disappoint my family.

People who fear failure must learn the difference between devastation and disappointment.  Very few outcomes are devastating… this is an appropriate response when life or health is at stake, however rarely in day-to-day life.

A successful strategy is to envision the terrible consequences you fear, then analyse the situation rationally. How likely is it that your worst fear will materialise? Now forcefully challenge your fears. Talk to yourself, out loud, if necessary.

For example; I’ve handled setbacks before, I can rise to the occasion and I will succeed.

This won’t feel natural, but do it anyway. Like any skill, controlling and rationalising catastrophic thinking takes time and practice.

Another helpful strategy is to make a list of everything in your life that didn’t turn out as you planned… but ultimately worked out for the best. For example, I didn’t get the promotion I wanted… which made me quit my job, however it resulted in me starting my own business.

Make what-ifs positive, rather than negative. We tend to focus on unknowns that frighten us, but there are always positive possibilities, too.

For example; your initial thoughts when taking a business risk may be; this could result in financial losses and could mean that I can’t afford to pay my mortgage. However, learn to think positively and tell yourself that this could enable you make more profit and re-invest and grow your business.

Fear of failure will only hold you back… as the famous quote goes ‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’