Loneliness versus Solitude

There is a significant difference between being loneliness and being alone.

Loneliness is often caused by a deficiency of the spirit… a spirit that needs regular contact with people or social activity with in order to feel a sense of worthiness, belonging, or acceptance.

Being alone can be seen as a positive opportunity to better get to know yourself, while growing in wisdom, understanding and maturity.

The highest form of aloneness is solitude. This is the time in life when you, perhaps, choose to be alone to create, to grow, even to understand.

Many people are alone by choice, while others face this challenge due to extenuating circumstances. We’ve all felt the sting and pain of loneliness, and have known the joy and peace of solitude.

The key is to understand the difference, and realise the impact each can have on your life outcomes.

There are several things you can do if you find yourself alone… whether by choice, or due to circumstances beyond your control:

  • use the time to get in touch with who you are, what you want, what you believe, and who you are becoming
  • accept this time as an opportunity for creative growth
  • know that all things pass – even this pain you are feeling
  • do something new… try a new activity, learn a new skill or spend time with others who face the same circumstances

Feeling sorry for yourself during such a time will only make the time pass more slowly, and produce a heightened degree of pain.

Getting busy, getting started, will amaze at how much you can use this time for good – for yourself or for others.

There’s a reason you’re alone… nothing in this life is an accident. This may be difficult for you to accept if you have lost the love of your life… but trust that suffering in silence won’t help.

Get good counsel before you begin; and when you have decided, act promptly- Sallust