The Value of Time

Consider these:

  • To understand the value of a year, talk to a student who has failed an important exam.
  • To understand the value of a month, talk to a mother who has given birth to a baby a month prematurely.
  • To understand the value of a week, talk to the publisher of a weekly newspaper.
  • To understand the value of an hour, talk to a couple in love, who are separated and want only to be together again.
  • To understand the value of a minute, talk to someone who has just missed a train or a plane.
  • To understand the value of a second, talk to someone who has lost a loved one in an accident.
  • To understand the value of a millisecond, talk to someone who won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.

Time waits for no one. Gather all the time you have, every moment, and it will be of great use to you.

Share it with people you value and love and it will become even more precious.

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life” – Charles Darwin