Targeted Marketing

Imagine that you could hand pick 100 people to become customers of your business. The chances are, you would want them to be similar to your very best current customers. The best way to do this is through targeted marketing.

Analysis of your current customer database

One way to do this by analysing your current client database – who are they? This analysis will enable you to identify exactly who they are and a pattern between your best customers can be established. 

Creating a Customer Profile – who is the target?

Another way to do this is to create a profile of your ideal customer, so that you can cater your marketing to specifically attract them to your business. If you were trying to attract mothers of infant children, your marketing would be designed quite differently than if you were trying to attract single men.

Ask yourself:

– Where do they live?

– Do they have children, if so, how many?

– How will they pay for the purchase?

– How much can they afford?

– Which hours do they tend to buy from you?

– What industry are they in?

These questions give you a better picture of the ideal customer for your business. This will enable you to design your marketing so that it will appeal to them.

Target Offers

Ask yourself, how many offers do we have? Should each target have a different offer? Most often, the answer is yes. What appeals to one target won’t appeal to another.

Targeted marketing is easier, although in the beginning it can seem daunting. Deciphering each target and creating marketing specific to them can be tricky, as well as time consuming, to begin with, however you will absolutely reap the rewards in the long run.

Targeted marketing is not only more effective, but it can be the best and most effective way to build your customer base to being the ‘very best’ customers.