Accuracy V Action 

Feeling you must always be right, or get things absolutely correct, can be exhausting. Obsessive accuracy can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

The reality is the people that typically achieve phenomenal levels of success, did not get there by doing everything right every time. Particularly not the first time they attempted it!

People often achieve great heights because they did lots of things with a reasonable amount of accuracy. Not because they did everything right every time.

When people get stuck on doing everything exactly right, they can’t but help take less action… and achieve less results. These people become procrastinators, waiting an eternity for ‘the right time’ to start a task or project, when that ‘right time’ often doesn’t exist!

Many a great idea has been lost because the person who devised it wanted to get it just right or, was waiting for exactly the right moment to launch it.

Ask yourself where you are holding yourself back by trying to do everything exactly right?

What would happen if you took 10% more action in your business and your personal life?

Take action, don’t be afraid of imperfection – what’s the worst thing that can happen?

It’s all up to you!

As the incredibly famous quote goes “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky