Entrepreneurial development is about being a businessperson who not only conceives and organises ventures, but also takes great risk in doing so.

Good employees can evolve into great entrepreneurs, and the first step is to seek out a role above and beyond that of an employee.

Self-employed mindset

The emotional driving force behind the self-employed person is a desire for greater control over their life, career, and destiny. They believe that they could do their job just as well without an employer. They want to do things their own way and usually begin by creating a situation in which they do the same type of work they did as an employee, but they figure out how to do it by themselves.

Managerial Perspective

Those with a managerial outlook are often in a great position to succeed as entrepreneurs.

Attitude of a leader

The entrepreneur who knows how to step aside and let the business, and those employees working in it. They operate as an organisation that is not totally reliant upon the owner’s constant hands-on participation.

Entreprenurial Investor

With a business that generates profits, the entrepreneur who has made it this far can begin to manage money. Investing for maximum returns involves the smart leveraging of existing assets. The entrepreneurial investor will often build upon the success of the first business to create a second or third company based on the same model or system. This is known as franchising.

The True Entrepreneur

Having learned new things through various stages of entrepreneurial accomplishment and insight, it is possible to reach the ultimate goal. The true entrepreneur experiences a paradigm shift that involves a four-step process of changed thinking:

  • Idealisation – Imagine gigantic, all-encompassing dreams for creating the ideal world
  • Visualisation – Picture the ideal world as a reality. Work to clarify this vision on a daily basis, filling in more details each day
  • Verbalisation – Begin to put words to the dream and talk of it as if it was already happening
  • Materialisation – Things begin to fall into place – the idea becomes real and tangible, influencing others while opening new doors to fresh opportunities and the birth of more dreams

The true entrepreneur is a dreamer whose dreams turn into reality…