Having a positive mental attitude is the idea, that having an optimistic attitude in every situation attracts positive changes and increases achievement.

Positive thinking isn’t magic and it won’t make all of your problems disappear; however it will make your problems seem more manageable and help you to approach hardships in a more positive and productive way.

Having a positive mental attitude is one of the best ways you can help yourself and your life improve drastically.

Top tips on having a positive mental attitude:

  • Focus on the good things
  • Practice gratitude
  • Spend time with positive people
  • Practice positive self-talk
  • Start every day on a positive note
Focus on the good things

When you’re faced with a negative situation, focus on the good things no matter how small or insignificant they seem. If you look for it, you can always find the silver lining in every cloud.

Practice gratitude

Think of people, moments, or things in your life, that bring you some kind of comfort or happiness and try to express your gratitude for them/it at least once a day.

Spend time with positive people

Negativity and positivity are contagious, consider the people who you’re spending time with. Have you noticed how someone in a bad mood can bring down yours? Spending time with positive person has the opposite effect.

Practice positive self-talk

Be mindful of the voice in your head and respond to it with positive messages, we can often be the hardest on ourselves. Remember to always be kind!

Start every day on a positive note

Create a routine, much like a ritual, in which you start off each day with something uplifting and positive. This will set your tone for the day.


If you’re able to put these tips into practice, you will have a much more positive outlook on life!